2020. 6. 13. 01:45ㆍ카테고리 없음
Jacobys Evasive and Unappealing Utopian Vision American culture is once in a while content with its current state. Or maybe, it continually looks for approaches to improve and upgrade the present way of life. In a perfect world, these progressions ought to clear the way to a superior future, one in which threatening vibe and struggle become for all intents and purposes out of date and in which mankind can live with more prominent solidarity and harmony. Frequently, such dispassionate, cutting edge social orders are marked idealistic, which Lyman Sargent, in his article Utopian Traditions: Themes and Variations, depicts as by and large oppositional, reflecting, at the base, disappointment with things as they are and the craving for a superior life (1). In any case, as indicated by Russell Jacoby in his book The End of Utopia, society has capitulated to progressively moderate perspectives and wandered a long way from its establishing idealistic goals.