2020. 3. 8. 14:36ㆍ카테고리 없음
Sarah M. Davies Rough Draft Com/155 Angela Robles 2-24-2013 The comparison of methods to lose weight In early 1999, over 61% of American adults were classified as overweight or obese. Since then, the rising rate of obesity in this country has continued to increase. Obesity has been known to cause many health issues that could result in death. With the rising rate of obesity in Americans, the Surgeon General suggests a reduced calorie diet and cardio exercise to lose weight; however, many become victims of “easy†weight loss methods such as the “Hollywood dietâ€.The Surgeon General is a good source to find methods of weight loss and therefore suggests a reduced calorie diet and rigorous exercise to lost weight. “Approximately 300,000 deaths each year in the United States may be attributable to obesity. †The first question that arises when the subject of losing weight comes up is: “Can I still eat what I want? †The answer could possibly be yes if you follow the suggestions of the Surgeon General.