2020. 2. 12. 22:32ㆍ카테고리 없음
In this essay I intend to write about and compare these two poems, ‘On The Idle Hill’ and ‘The Charge Of The Light Brigade.’ I have chosen these two particular poems because I feel I have a greater understanding of them and I found them the most powerful out of the selection, I also thought they showed best the experience of war. A.E.Housman wrote ‘On The Idle Hill’ in 1896, he was not thinking of a particular war when he wrote it he looked at the beauty and horror of war. I will use (1) to represent ‘On The Idle Hill’. Alfred Tennyson wrote ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ in 1854. He was writing about the Crimean war that occurred between 1854 and 1856. I will use (2) to represent ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’. In this essay I will look at layout and also various writing techniques for example, alliteration, metaphors and personification.Poem (1) is on the subject of war in general; it’s about the glory and the disaster of the whole experience.