Some Tips On Car Restoration Essay example -- essays research papers

2020. 4. 7. 14:31카테고리 없음

Some Tips on Car Restoration      Whenever someone decides to take the initiative to restore a car, it requires a serious commitment. I have seen too many people begin work and never finish. The successful car restorer chooses a car that fits his/her personality and budget, and follows the job through to the end. One must have a love for the process as well as the product, or the project will be rushed and end up to be worthless. I learned this tedious process when I was just fourteen years old, barely able to perform the difficult and sometimes dangerous tasks that are required to complete a show car. I would not recommend taking the steps I did my first time, so I will outline the best method I have learned through experience.      Most restoration projects are simple vehicles to begin with, so it isn't very difficult to know what's what. For those of us who don't know all the tricks or don't like to write things down I think a book is very helpful. I recommend one from the Chilton's Automotive Guide series.