2020. 4. 8. 21:58ㆍ카테고리 없음
The Rev. Arthur Dimmesdale For Barack Obama - Article Example Therein lies the crux of Dimmesdale’s battle within his soul, but it is telling that he conducts his penance privately rather than having the strength of character to admit his failings. Despite the repeated flagellation and the carving of the A upon his own flesh, Dimmesdale remains not just a hypocrite, but unfulfilled. Who is better suited to recognize the hypocrisy of others than one who is himself a masterful hypocrite? Hawthorne writes that “More than once, Mr. Dimmesdale had gone to the pulpit, with a purpose never to come down its steps until he should have spoken†the truth before his parishioners (173). The key personality traits of Rev. Dimmesdale is his recognition of hypocrisy and his inability to confront it openly. It must be therefore be suggested that Rev. Dimmesdale would be quick to recognize the hypocrisy that was a hallmark of the McCain/Palin campaign.