2020. 2. 14. 18:52ㆍ카테고리 없음
The Vietnam War, Conflict on the US - Research Paper ExampleThe U.S. spent great sums over 10 years on military actions in Southeast Asia. The money spent sending a military force overseas takes away needed funds for domestic purposes and usually accrues a debt that must be repaid, with interest over time, generally over many generations. Borrowing to fund wars increases the National Debt which damages the entire economy. The geopolitical realities resulting from the War created a multitude of undesirable effects. The U.S. lost political capital from the people of South Vietnam during the conflict when it incessantly bombed North Vietnam, an unexpected development that was detrimental to the war effort. The U.S. also lost credibility both at home and among all foreign nations following the outcome of the War. The neo-conservative “war-hawk†philosophy was born during this era. Evidently the people who lived during and witnessed the Vietnam era did not learn the obvious lessons the War provided. The tough lesson learned from U.S.