2020. 5. 14. 01:55ㆍ카테고리 없음
Should People be allowed to Use Mobile Phone while Driving? These days, mobile phone has become almost a basic necessity. We need a mobile phone everywhere for a faster and swifter communication with rest of the world. Unfortunately sometimes, because of the misuse of mobile phone especially while driving, even the lives of people are at risk. Using cell phones while driving distracts drivers from the road, and drivers need to use all their senses, including hearing, to drive. Since we can't use our sense of hearing for the purpose of driving when we are on our cell phones, many accidents can be caused.Although mobile phone makes our communication easy and fast, it should not be used while driving on the road. In my opinion, talking on a cell phone while driving is an extremely dangerous practice. The idea of allowing the use of mobile phones while driving is relevant because the use of cellular phones has become a necessary part of our modern life. On the contrary, driving requires full attention on road.