2020. 5. 18. 04:03ㆍ카테고리 없음
English expats and the Brexit Would Brits abroad become unlawful settlers short-term? The 23rd of June the date is quick drawing nearer, however with 'remain' and 'leave' surveying at 40% and 39% individually, the British open don't appear to be a lot nearer to settling on a choice on the Brexit question. With 5 million Brits living abroad in any case, of which 1.2 million are situated in the EU, the potential exit would have impacts of more noteworthy reach than just UK inhabitants. So what might befall British expats? Would Brits abroad become unlawful migrants short-term? The straightforward answer is most likely not. The European Economic Area (EEA), which incorporates the EU, is a 'solitary market'. Basically, this implies residents of nations inside the EEA can move and work unreservedly inside it, without the requirement for a visa. In the event that the UK leaves the EU, it is conceivable that the free development understanding won't be kept up, which means work/living arrangement licenses might be required.