“Paglilihi†or Pregnancy Cravings Essay
Many Filipinos, to this day, believe that what you eat and crave for during pregnancy has a direct influence on the physical attributes of the baby. However, scientific studies prove that there is no link between paglilihi and the unborn baby’s physical attributes. As Genetics tell us, our physical attributes are inherited from our parents’ and grandparents’ set of genes and not from food cravings.Reference: Lui B., “Five Health Myths Many Filipinos Believeâ€, Filipinonurses.org (http://filipinonurses.org/index.php/2012/03/five-shocking-health-myths-that-most-filipinos-believe/); “Pregnant Womenâ€, Health Aspect (http://healthaspect.wordpress.com/tag/craving-paglilihi/).Myth #2: Post-labor Stomach BindingIt is a common practice for Filipina women to bind their abdomen tightly after pregnancy, believing that this practice helps the uterus to retract and gets the stomach back into shape. However, scientific evidence suggests otherwise. Tying a cloth around one’s tummy can put pressure on the uterus, causing it to bleed.