Two Patterns Of Customer Loyalty And Brand Performance Marketing Essay
Two Patterns Of Customer Loyalty And Brand Performance Marketing Essay Abstract This essay would discuss the two patterns of customer loyalty and brand performance. There are Double Jeopardy (DJ) and Duplication of purchase law (DoPL). In DJ, it will be discussed about loyalty and penetration which also connected with market share and purchase frequency. The graphs are given to show the differences in measuring DJ in loyalty and penetration by looking at the market share and purchase frequency of big brands and small brands. On the other hand, in DoPL, it will be discussed about how brand compete each other by sharing their customers. The graph is given to show how big brands share their customers to small brands, vice versa. Furthermore, there is deviation of Double Jeopardy in brand growth where niche markets are applied by big companies. Therefore, marketers should not expect an attitudinal loyalty of buyers in their brand. Necessarily, they should expect buyers to purchase from other competing brands. Other is deviation of purchase law which called partition.