Health Care Marketing Essay
The United States spends more than $4.2 billion annually as a resource to market in the direction of health care consumers. Advertisements consist of pharmaceuticals, alternative medicine, and in many cases, lawsuits as a result of alleged bad drugs. The two forms of marketing are direct to consumer advertising (DTCA) of medicines to treat a disease or illness, and direct advertisements reaching a more diverse populace of health care consumers requiring medication. Through the practice of print advertisements, television announcements, radio commercials, the far-reaching side effect of health care marketing is fast becoming an epidemic. My Opinion on Current Health Care Marketing Techniques While my opinion on health care is apparent, I also realize the ever-changing atmosphere and understand that with change come additional responsibilities. From first-hand accounts and voice-to-voice with family in the health care arena, I am doubtful that all possible improvements have been implemented. It is my desire to see a more established forefront to the real problems in health care.