35 year old male rugby player Essay
Rugby players need to be very well built. They need to be a mesomorph build ideally. They are in-between the mesomorph and endomorph on the scale, but should be a lot closer to the mesomorph than an endomorph. This means rugby players need to have broad shoulders, a muscular body, strong forearms and thighs. They could also have some fat. In some ways a lot of fat is good because it is harder to be tackled, but in another way it isn’t very good because it is harder to run, and you get out of breath easier. Rugby is a contact sport and relies on aggression in some ways. To tackle someone in rugby you can take them out by their legs, jump on them, tug their clothes, just about anyway to get the ball really. This would suggest if a player is an introvert they would not enjoy rugby, because they would prefer to keep to themselves and avoid contact. A rugby player also cannot be afraid of the ball, or afraid of being tackled. They need to be quite brave. Also you need tom be able to communicate with your team.
ar old male rugby player Essay